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Blog: Blog2
Writer's pictureVanessa Panter

52 Blog Post Ideas for Your Health or Wellness Business


Content, content, content. You’ve probably heard that you need to be producing content to fill up your social media schedules, demonstrate your expertise, get people to your website, build affiliate marketing income and more.

But what do you write about for your health and wellness business? What will be relevant, interesting and entertaining to customers in your niche?

I’ve come up with 52 blog post topics to fill your content schedule.

If you’ve been putting off writing blog posts don’t worry, it’s not as difficult as you may think. Don’t worry when you start about great copy writing, writing for SEO, writing for your ideal customer. I’m not saying that these things aren’t important, they are, but the most important thing you have to do is just start writing. Like everything, the more you write the easier it becomes, and the best thing about blogs is that you can go back and revise, edit and update.

Growing a following on your blog and social media take a little time and patience. Please don’t expect to write a blog and immediately gain lots of customers, that’s not how it works. But a blog is an important element of your marketing plan and strategy and one that’s worth spending time on.

How to Come Up with Blog Topics for your Business?

A great thing about a health or wellness business is that the content you create will be interesting to a large amount of people, regardless of your niche. There are loads of people searching the internet right now for tips on how to improve their lives, reduce anxiety, take more exercise, eat better, the list is endless.

There are lots of places you can look for inspiration. Look at what people in your industry are blogging about, check out bloggers in your niche, see what topics are being covered in lifestyle sections of the press, what are the hot topics in the magazines that are associated with your therapy or coaching?

Don’t copy articles and posts, just take a look at the topics for inspiration then start writing your own take on the subject.

52 blog topic ideas for your health and wellness business

Think about seasonal topics and make a note to write about them nearer the time. I’ve included some ideas in the list.

52 blog topic ideas for your health and wellness business

1. New Year resolutions – so many people make resolutions at the beginning of the year, blog about how you can help people to keep them.

2. Summer holidays – weight loss and getting into shape are great topics for this time of year.

3. Healthy recipes using seasonal foods.

4. How your specialism can help people cope on holiday

5. What is your favourite thing about the new season

6. Special and important days, such as Mother’s Day.

7. A book review

8. Monthly goals and up dates

9. How your service or product would make a great gift

10.Offer free tips and advice

11.Think of a group of who may not usually use your service, and give some tips – for example children.

12.Product reviews related to your business

13.Inspirational places where you would love to hold a class

14.What advice you would have given yourself when you first started your business

15.Share your favourite website, blogs, podcasts

16.Your favourite tried and tested recipes

17.The one thing that you recommend people should do every day (related to your business

18.A business bucket list

19.A review of a documentary related to your business

20.A movie character that you would love to help with your service in real life

21.How to stay motivated

22.Free downloads with tips or exercises

23.A list like this!

24.How to apply your service in the workplace

25.The biggest challenge you have faced in your business and how you’ve overcome it

26.A day in your business life

27.Testimonials and reviews

28.Why (insert something related to your business) is great for you

29.How (insert your service) can save you money / time

30.Case studies

31.Tell people about your training to gain your professional qualification

32.Talk about your chosen charity

33.What difference would you like to see in the world

34.How to fit (your service) into your daily routine

35.The best thing that’s happened to you this month

36.The last time you did something that really scared you

37.The funniest thing that has happened when you’ve been delivering your product or service (but don’t identify any clients!)

38.The best advice you’ve ever been given – personal

39.The best advice you’ve ever been given – business

40.Gift guides related to your service (include any of your own products, or set up affiliate marketing

41.How you fit (something that improves health/wellness) into every day

42.The one thing you want to do to improve your own health /wellness this year

43.The one thing you want to do to grow your business this year

44.An in-depth tutorial on one small aspect of something that you offer as a service

45.Any apps that you recommend

46.Why you decided to train in your profession

47.Show us around your workspace

48.Any vloggers you follow

49.What you do when you feel you need your own service

50.Holiday and travel reviews

51.Introduce us to your pets

52.How you wind down after a busy day


You have your content, so now what?

Give your blog a great title. Choose some great images that reflect your brand and the blog content. Share on social media, to your email list, in your networking groups.

And finally, keep writing, keep creating and keep growing. It takes time to build a following and to reap the rewards of your content creation, but it will come.


If you’ve written blogs on any of these topics please share them with me, and I’ll share them on my social media channels.

If you need more help with content marketing, digital marketing and social media marketing get in touch and see how I may help.

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