Happy one-month birthday to me! It’s been a fun month, and great to look back. However, for every single thing that I’ve achieved I feel like there’s another five things to learn!
Here’s what I’ve learnt so far:
Imposter Syndrome is a Thing
Yes, most days I have to convince myself that I’m as good, experienced and qualified as anyone to be putting myself out there and be paid to help others. I am getting better at shushing my inner negative voice, but still have confidence wobbles every now and then.
If you build it they won’t come
Unless it’s Twitter. I put most of my energy into setting up my website and Facebook business pages, and only set up a Twitter account for my business a few days ago, but it’s already proving a better place at getting engagement than anywhere else. Whether it brings my any leads in the long term is to be seen, but it’s nice to feel like someone, somewhere is actually listening to me.
Marketing another people’s business is much easier than marketing my own.
This is kind of linked to imposter syndrome. I’m actually really shy about putting myself out there, especially with people I know.
I don’t know enough about setting up a business, and I’m not sure where to get help
I want to make sure I’m operating legally and morally, and I really wish there was a check list somewhere to cover off everything. I’m sure there is a checklist somewhere, I just haven’t come across it yet.
Focus is key to actually getting anything done.
I’m excited about my business and have loads of ideas, but I really need to focus on one thing first, then move on to the next thing. This is advice I’ve been giving my client, and something I’m having to work hard at myself.
Setting pricing is hard and takes nerve.
I’ve decided on an hourly rate, and have built pricing for services around this, and I’ve already had one knock back. I’m holding my nerve, but it’s tough, and I hate having the money conversation. I need to grow a thicker skin.
Keep an open mind
I’ve loved the business planning, and that’s made me realise that I want to offer more of a business support service than a “done for you” marketing service. I’m sure my business will evolve and the services I offer will change over time. The important thing for me is to offer services which make me excited to deliver.