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Blog: Blog2
Writer's pictureVanessa Panter

What I've learned this week - 6th April 2019

The first week of the new quarter is over and I’ve not had a huge amount of time to spend working on my business.

I worked out a new time-blocking schedule, as I’ve learnt that I can’t get up at 5am! I so wanted to be part of the 5am club, but it just doesn’t work for me. Instead I have decided to start my working day at 8am, finish at 3pm, and give myself a whole day on Friday for either my course, my business, my home or just me time. I am hoping that the promise of a full day off once a month will spur me on to be more productive during my working hours.

I have been doing another coach’s challenge this week, and I’ve learnt that my values are becoming boundaries. Shared values are important when attracting an ideal client, but boundaries are what helps you run a business that you love and are proud of. I have decided that one my values if that I will only work with nutritionist therapists who have formal training and are members of BANT and CNHC. There are so many people out there bandying about nutritional advice, recipe plans and healthy eating messages who are neither fully trained nor covered by a governing body that in the interests of safety and fairness I can only support those who, like myself, and invested time and money in their training.

On a more practical level I have it on the authority of a data protection lawyer that under the terms of GDPR if a person has contacted you in the past about your services you can mail them again regarding related services, even if they haven’t formally signed up to your list. In your emails you must clearly remind them why they are receiving the email (“you previously contacted me for information about xyz”) and must make it easy for them to unsubscribe. If you are unclear about GDPR my advice is always contact a lawyer for clarification.

The next couple of months are going to be really busy for me as I ramp up my online business and work towards the final assignments for my course. I keep reminding myself that every little step is a positive move towards my goals, though at the moment it feels like it’s taking such a long time to get everything set up.

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